All posts by Datu

About Datu

A web developer trying to make sense of the crazy world. A martial arts enthusiast, language nerd, and dog lover.

Animals – List 03 | Vocabulary

Difficulty LevelMaralita (Absolute Beginner)

This is a continuation of Animals – List 02. Find a number of our feathered friends on this list, both domestic and wild.

Once you are done with this list, hop on over the Animals – List 04.

Native Tagalog Speakers: Jet & Dash Continue reading Animals – List 03 | Vocabulary

Animals – List 02 | Vocabulary

Difficulty Level: Maralita (Absolute Beginner)

This is a continuation of Animals – List 01. Find the King of the Jungle and other iconic forest favorites in this list.

Once you’ve mastered the animals here, feel free to move up to Animals – List 03.

Native Tagalog Speakers: Jet & Dash Continue reading Animals – List 02 | Vocabulary

Animals – List 01 | Vocabulary

Difficulty Level: Maralita (Absolute Beginner)

There is a reason why when studying foreign languages one of the first vocabulary words studied are animals. Studies have shown that the human brain is hardwired to easily remember animals. A throwback from our evolutionary past, perhaps. Continue reading Animals – List 01 | Vocabulary

Counting From 1 to 10 in Tagalog | Vocabulary – Numbers

Difficulty Level: Maralita (Absolute Beginner)

Counting from 1 to 10 is a fundamental exercise for every language learner. By practicing your numbers, not only are you learning something you can use everyday, but you’re practicing pronunciation in the language as well. Continue reading Counting From 1 to 10 in Tagalog | Vocabulary – Numbers

The Top 10 Destinations for Overseas Filipinos

Let’s say you are learning Tagalog and you want to practice speaking this language with a native speaker, but you can’t make a trip to the Philippines just yet. Sure, there are over 108 million Filipinos spread across the 7 thousand plus islands of the Philippine archipelago and going to the Philippines would a great way to practice Tagalog, but the opportunities to meet and mingle with Filipinos off Philippine shores are many. Continue reading The Top 10 Destinations for Overseas Filipinos

Which Countries Speak Tagalog?

Good question. I sometimes find myself googling which countries speak “X” language. For example, “Which countries speak Swahili?” (The answer is Kenya and Tanzania and then some, by the way.) or “Which countries speak Dhivehi?” (The answer is Maldives, so don’t leave my article just yet to google the answer.) Sometimes I even Google search bigger languages like “Which countries speak Russian?” or “Which countries speak German?”

The question is now… Which countries speak Tagalog? Continue reading Which Countries Speak Tagalog?

Tagalog Familial Relation Words | Tito (Uncle), Tita (Aunt), and the Rest of the Gang

The family is central to Filipino culture. You probably have learned this if you’re dating a Filipino or Filipina, or if you have Filipino ancestry. That’s why we came up with this lesson all about Familial Relation words. By this I mean words like: father, mother, uncle, aunt, son and daughter. Continue reading Tagalog Familial Relation Words | Tito (Uncle), Tita (Aunt), and the Rest of the Gang

Owl that looks like Duolingo logo

Why are there No Duolingo Tagalog Lessons?

Did you come across this article after googling “Duolingo Tagalog” or “Duolingo Filipino” or something like that? Probably you are checking whether Duolingo has a Tagalog course. Well, I’ve got good news for you and I’ve got bad news, too. Which one do you want first? Continue reading Why are there No Duolingo Tagalog Lessons?

Dating in Tagalog

Dating someone who speaks Tagalog? Here’s your chance to impress her (or him) with some awesome Tagalog skills! This article contains the Tagalog phrases and sentence you’ll need. This guide to romance in Tagalog language will cover your bases, beginning with asking her out, sweeping her off her feet, and turning on heat. Continue reading Dating in Tagalog


Will You Marry Me? – Different Ways to Ask Someone to Marry You in Tagalog

You can now say the most important words in any language “I love you.” in Tagalog. Now, it’s time to take a step into the unknown and say the next life changing phrase “Will you marry me?” Got cold feet? Take the plunge boy! I’ve been married six years and counting and have two little gremlins to prove it. Now let’s go and tie that knot. Continue reading Will You Marry Me? – Different Ways to Ask Someone to Marry You in Tagalog