All posts by Datu

About Datu

A web developer trying to make sense of the crazy world. A martial arts enthusiast, language nerd, and dog lover.

native Tagalog speaker

What Does Tagalog Sound Like?

Have you just Googled “what Tagalog does sounds like?” or something like that?

I understand why you’d want to search for something like that.

You probably have a relative or a friend who can speak Tagalog or is from the Philippines.

Maybe there are Southeast Asians in your community and you heard them talking. Now you want to know if they are from the Philippines or not.

Perhaps you have an upcoming visit to the Philippines. Continue reading What Does Tagalog Sound Like?

Have you mastered numbers 1-10 in Tagalog?

Difficulty Level: Maralita (Absolute Beginner)

Mastering numbers 1 to 10 is a necessary to advance in any foreign language. This quiz does not use written words and forces you to recognize the numbers by just hearing them.



your first 100 tagalog sentences



Test Your Tagalog | Listening Quiz on Vocabulary – Animals, (10-Point Quiz – Beginners 02)

Difficulty Level: Mamamayan (Beginner)

This tests your listening comprehension of the Tagalog words you’ve studied. Continue reading Test Your Tagalog | Listening Quiz on Vocabulary – Animals, (10-Point Quiz – Beginners 02)

Basic Conversation 01 – How Are You? | Speaking Exercises

Difficulty Level: Maralita (Absolute Beginner)

How are you?” is the cornerstone of every human conversation. Isn’t a good conversation after all about discovering something about the person you’re talking with.

Native Tagalog Speakers: Jet & Dash Continue reading Basic Conversation 01 – How Are You? | Speaking Exercises

Basic Greetings 01 – Good Morning | Speaking Exercises

Difficulty LevelMaralita (Absolute Beginner)

It starts with a “Good morning!” and ends with a “Bye.” Learn the most basic Tagalog greetings and then at the end learn to say goodbye in this absolutely beginner-friendly lesson.

Native Tagalog Speakers: Jet & Dash Continue reading Basic Greetings 01 – Good Morning | Speaking Exercises